The BBC - The British Bomb-Throwers Club

Lord Reith, the founder of the BBC, once said of the establishment: "They know they can trust us not to be really impartial." In short, the BBC was created to be the official state propaganda outlet for the nation.

Official members of the Bomb-Throwers Club

Therefore, generations of over-privileged genocidal warmongers have been afforded state-controlled freedom to kill, maim and dismember at will, all in the name of "state security" or "humanitarian intervention". Plus, of course, money

So why do privileged white males feel the need to carry out or support the killing of their fellow human beings? Most of them, of course, have never been anywhere near a warzone, nor would they dream of letting their children close. Wars are designed to be fought with every last drop of other people's blood. Could it be the remnants of an imperialist mindset? Maybe. But there could be a much simpler explanation.

Small Man Parts.

Perhaps one example of the BBC finally standing up for the little guy, so to speak.